Creative Director + Visual Artist based in NYC. Clients include Adidas, Refinery29, Nike, Konbini, Equinox, Puma, Livy.

Ponyboy cocktail label design

Pony Boy is an underground cocktail bar located in Greenpoint, New York, famous for its sushis and amazing live music. I created an illustration featuring two horses and I designed the label for their Purple Rain Cocktail to support them during COVID.



Illustration + Label Design
Client: Ponyboy

Ponyboy is an underground cocktail bar located in Greenpoint, New York, famous for its food and amazing live music. I designed the label for their Purple Rain Cocktail, using a handmade illustration I created featuring two horses. The goal was to support them during COVID while they had to be closed.  Order your cool cocktail here!

Capture d’écran 2021-03-25 à 21.52.18.png