Creative Director + Visual Artist based in NYC. Clients include Adidas, Refinery29, Nike, Konbini, Equinox, Puma, Livy.

Roger Movie Poster

My friend Ben Shweky, a talented filmmaker, asked me to design the movie poster for his debut film, "Roger". This documentary is a tribute to his grandfather, Roger, a remarkable painter born in Tunisia. It narrates his journey and the evolution of his eclectic artistic style, which is a vibrant fusion of Tunisian landscapes, family themes, clowns, and fantastical figures... The poster captures him and highlights the imaginative characters that define his art. The movie has been doing well, getting picked for multiple festivals, including the Spotlight International Film Festival.


Movie Poster & Art Direction
Client: Ben Shweky

My friend Ben Shweky, a talented filmmaker, created a documentary called "Roger", about his grandfather, a French painter whose life mirrors the history of France, from North African revolutions to the Provence countryside. Despite being in his nineties, diabetic, and nearly blind, Roger's artistic output is astonishing. Ben asked me to design the poster, capturing Roger's eclectic style and the fantastical characters in his art. The film has been making waves, selected for the Spotlight International Film Festival and others.